Friday, April 13, 2007

14 Embalse to Canaveral

April 11, 2007

It was raining when we woke up, so we lingered a little longer over breakfast until things blew over. We did get a few light showers along the way. Not enough to make things unpleasant, though. We made Canaveral before 1pm and had the typical "menu del dia." You get your choice of a first plate, a second plate and dessert, along with bread and a bottle of wine. Prices vary from 5-9 euros. Today's lunch was 7. We both started with soup as our first plate. For the main plate, Conchi had pork cutlets and I had lamb. Alfredo and Nieves got there a bit before us. They had originally planned to stop for the night in Canaveral, but decided to walk 9 km to the next town. We'd only intended to walk as far as Canaveral, and the bottle of wine with lunch only reinforced that decision. Apparently the wine didn't faze them. It turns out the refugio here is a lot nicer than some of the reports had suggested. It is a 3-bedroom sparsely furnished apartment, and we were the first there so!
we got our own room. A German couple, Wolf and Lena, arrived later. The four of us had the run of the place.

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