Wednesday, March 28, 2007

27 Km Villafranca to Torremegia

Rather than characterize today's walk as monotonous, I'll call it meditative. A very large portion of the camino was on top of an impressively straight an flat section of the old roman calzada to Merida. It was big sky country planted in vineyards and olive groves. The entire route was on gravel road or dirt track. On the upside, we saw fewer than 10 cars all day. We left at 9:20 am and got into Torremegia at 5:20 pm. We took short breaks (for us - 20 min) and a short lunch (for us - 50 min) so it was just a long day of walking. I wrapped my foot, ankle and shin and it gave me very little trouble. I was careful with each footfall so as to place it on level ground, and paid closer attention to the path. The walk a few days ago was over very rocky, rutted irregular farm roads and I wasn't attentive enough to the terrain, which is what I think caused this problem. Inattention can be devasating. Helga glanced at her guide book the other day while walking, tripped and augered !
into the trail. The whole left sideof her face is now a multi-colored bruise, poor thing, but at least she's still walking. Could have sprained an ankle.

The rest of the group ended up at the alberge touristico last night. When we got to town, we used our cell phone to call Felix on his cell phone and got the scoop. He said it was a low-end dorm arrangement for 15 euros each. We opted for the hostal in town with private bath, clean sheets and towels and a restaurant below, all for 35. Best 5 euros I've spent.

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